Welcome back to "The Ethics of Book Reviews." We have now reached the conclusion!
You can revist the previous posts:
I hope you enjoyed reading these last few posts! I know I certainly enjoyed writing them. And I'm not just saying that because my professor will be reading these posts. lol
The best way to describe this series is that it was definitely a labor of love. I took a lot of work putting everything together, but I hope you liked it. Shout out to Brittany (@bookbabebritt), Camile (@SunflowerSunshine28), and K (@1directionlovesme), who contributed responses on my IG last minute. I appreciate your responses. :) Give their accounts some love, and follow them! Even though they aren't all bookstagrammers, their pages are great! ;)
Through these last 4 blog posts, I hope you take away the following:
Generally, most reviews are honest.
Generally, most authors truly do want an honest review.
There are ethical guidelines to ensure that you maintain integrity as a reviewer and that you write great reviews.
There are also ethical guidelines to ensure that you, as an author, are ethically soliciting reviews.
Anyway, that's all I have for you in this series! Hope you enjoyed! As always, feel free to drop questions below or message me via my contact page or directly at asia.booknerd117@gmail.com!
I'll see you in some future post!
Happy Reading!