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Indie Author Day Giveaways!

In honor of Indie Author Day, I will be hosting (at least) FOUR! book giveaways! If you are interested in any of these, please read through this post carefully, as it details how to win and how to increase your odds of winning.

Giveaway Offerings

I will be offering:


You MUST participate in the Author Interview Event (AIE) over at Book Nerds Unite (BNU). This giveaway is open to all participants — both authors and the "interviewers."

Since the giveaway is based around AIE, the giveaway will span the length of AIE. In other words, the giveaway opens Friday, November 4 and ends Saturday, November 5. You will have until Sunday, November 6, to submit bonus entries.

This giveaway is open internationally.

Bonus Entries
  1. Subscribe to AWAM. (+1)

  2. Follow me (@asia.booknerd117) on Instagram. (+1)

  3. Follow M. G. Hernandez (@m.g.h.writes) on Instagram. (+1)

  4. Follow C. E. Ord (@c.e.ord) on Instagram. (+1)

**To earn these bonus points, you must fill out this form as documentation. If you are subscribing, please provide the email you used to subscribe. If you are following, please provide the handle you used to follow. You must remain a subscriber and/or follower to be elligible in future giveaways.

Selection of Winners

Each entry will be added into a random generator. Then, all four winners will be drawn one by one. The first winner will have first choice of the four giveaways. Then, the second winner will get their choice of the remaining three giveaways; so on and so forth.

If there are more than four unique names in the giveaway, then no person may win more than one giveaway. If there are less than four unique names, then a person may win more than one giveaway.

All winners should be notified within a week. Winners will be given (about) 24 hours to respond with their book selection. If no response is received, the next winner will be drawn.

Giveaway Fulfillment

For the sake of personal privacy, I will not be directly purchasing and sending any book. I will however reimburse your book purchase.

If you are selected as a winner, you must respond with your book selection within (approximately) 24 hours. Then, you are responsible for purchasing the book yourself VIA AMAZON. Once you receive the book, send a picture or screenshot of the book ALONG WITH a screenshot of the invoice. I will then email you an Amazon e–gift card of equal or greater value (in USD) as reimbursement.

**I sincerely apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. However, I do like my personal privacy, and this is the best way to go about this. Once again, sincerest apologies for the inconvenience. If this is an issue, please reach out!


Questions can be directed to me via email,

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