Hello all!
I'm not sure how many of you actually visit AWAM and/or read my blog reviews, but I've decided to update my website a bit.
Here is a summary of what I plan to do:
Expand topics outside of just books. I'm hoping to branch out to movies, shows, musics, etc. Do I know what exactly I'm going to do? No, not yet. But I'm so excited to see what's next!
Post more often! Now that I can post about a different topics, I might be able to post a lot more!
Open an Amazon Associates Account. As long as I can post more often, I can do this. Plus, if I can make some money referring you to the best books ever, it's a win–win for both of us! (Remember, I'm a poor college student! 😂 )
Start doing Writing Workshops! Sometime in the not–too–distant future, I'd like to start posting case study blogs as a means of giving writing advice. Understand that, while I'm not a writer, I have a good idea of what readers want and enjoy. Eventually, I'm hoping to host actual workshops with one–on–one feedback.
Go social! I'm already on Pinterest (@booknerd117) and Goodreads (@booknerd117), and that's all I really plan to do, social media wise. However, I'd like to post to Pinterest more! Specifically, I'd be sharing the blog posts there.
Start sending out email campaigns. I'm hoping that these will help to increase awareness of (and also traffic to) AWAM.
Have any feedback? Comment below!
Happy Reading!